Academics » Course Offerings

Course Offerings

The SVAH master schedule is designed to provide all students access to A-G classes, and therefore, to a 4-year university. 
Students take 5-6 A-G classes each school year and have both the opportunity to receive honors credit and take AP level classes. 
Students also receive academic support within and after the school day.
In addition, as a school with a Visual Arts focus, students will take a scaffolded sequence of arts classes beginning with Intro to Art in 9th grade, Design in 10th Grade, and electives in either Fine Arts or Digital Media Arts pathways in 11th and 12th grades.

Course Offerings

9th Grade

10th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade

English 9 A/B or Honors English 9  English 10 A/B or Honors English 10 American Lit/Contemporary Comp or AP English Language Expository Comp/Modern Lit or AP English Lit
Biology A/B World History A/B or AP World History US History or AP US History Government or AP Government/Economics
CC Algebra 1 or CC Geometry Design A/B or Conceptual Design A/B Digital Arts Elective or Fine Arts Elective Digital Arts Elective or Fine Arts Elective
Intro to Art A/B CC Geometry or CC Algebra 2 CC Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus or AP Calculus AB or BC
PE 1 Chemistry Physics Humanities
Spanish SP 1 A/B or Spanish 1 PE 2 AP Spanish Test International Relations
ELD Spanish 2/AP Spanish Test Humanities Ethnic Studies
  ELD International Relations ELD
    Ethnic Studies  
In addition to our regular day master schedule, SVAH partners with Los Angeles Community College (LACC) to offer on-campus, college-level courses after our school day. We are currently offering the following LACC courses on our campus this Spring:
  •  Youth Administration of Justice
  • Chicano Studies
  • Animation 118